When starting a new character the best and MOST BALANCED build is to put all of your stats to 3. Or use one of the many “Respec” mods out there) If you have a Perk I've disabled, you probably just lost a point. It won't make much sense for your Sniper who had NightPerson to now have Slayer which boosts melee Crit Chance. Charisma challenges didn't seem to scale in a way that made sense, you start with too high an accuracy in V.A.T.S., and Crits are fun! So I fixed all of that, too! There are some changes here and there, and we'll detail all these things in a bit, but that's the long and the short of it.

When crafting new perks and looking at the current system I found I was able to address some of the issues I had with the game. This mod overhauls the Vanilla Perk Tree by combining similar Perks and then replacing the now available Perks with awesome new Perks! I did this to allow players to enjoy more of the game regardless of their character build, but give the game more of an overall RPG feel. Well originally it was a few things… now it’s quite a bit! (I shall be the next t3nd0!!! xD ) Under-the-hood changes include: Charisma Challenge Overhaul, Chem Overhaul, Cooking and Food Overhaul, V.A.T.S. But I fixed it! This is a complete overhaul of the Vanilla Perk Tree that bled over to Overhaul a few other things. Did you feel like the Vanilla Perk Tree was a little bloated? To enjoy certain aspects of the game did you feel like your early/mid-game build was sidelined or pigeonholed? I did.