Sometimes if I don't get any iron or silk I'll sell out at Dhrimm since it's closer ad if I didn't get any good stuff not worth the travel all the way back across the map. I usally pillage one go all the way back to Tihr or Rivaden and sell my stock. Do it sparingingly though or you'll bottom them out and won't have any to pillage for awhile. You just get more honor and stuff if you get the quest from a King.Īll n all now most of my best income comes from looting and pillaging villages of factions I'm at war with. You don't have to have a quest to attack them. Sea Raiders about the best loot of the bandits and raiding camps yields some high profits also. The smaller your army the better loot they will cough up. Of course the easiest way is fighting the map rats (bandits) of various types. But, it's easy to do and you can make boo coo gold out of it. Sometimes you have to find one that is close to the King as not every Lord is on the up and up with their king. He'll ask for a small fee and you'll be forgiven and have all that gold you made still. Pillage them all then find a lord of that faction and ask forgiveness (if not at war with that faction). The other way to make a lot of cash is Pillaging and plundering a factions villages. Warm items are poplular in the snow areas and flax sells well in Tihr. You can sell them high in Tihr and places on the other side of the map. For instance Velvet and Silks and Spice are the best loot in the game from the Rhodok side of the map. Usually across the map are the highest prices of what you got on the other side and vise versa. Yes, you'll need to make city charts of prices.then start buying low in one city and selling high to another city. Originally posted by Lucifer:Maybe someone can explain me the Trade sistem? ( i mean i should buy something from a city and than sell it to another?)