Belgium is actually close to a great power to start and can be made one easily, but other than becoming the ruler of the Low Countries, you're a bit boxed in until you go do what Leopold II did and massacre a bunch of Africans. Russia is a slow moving, illiterate goliath, but if you can modernize them, they're unstoppable. Austria is on the decline, but can do fun stuff. Prussia has a natural path towards becoming Germany, massive industry, and one special thing I'll get into if we pick it. France has a large population, starts second to the UK, and is generally hard to stop. Sweden -> Scandinavia and Sardinia-Piedmont -> Italy -> Seeing how much of the Roman Empire I can get back are particularly interesting ideas. I would prefer to play as a smaller nation capable of interesting things. The UK is too big and strong and spends its time annexing India and beating up China and generally being a dick. I refuse to play as the UK because 1) it's a management nightmare and 2) it's impossible to fail. I don't know! I'll offer a few suggestions that might be interesting and a few that are banned. I like user participation, so I'll be putting most things to a vote, approximately every five years. Also adds a bunch of historical events without ramrodding you into playing real history. It's not essential, but it's a user mod that makes the game better in a bunch of ways and make more sense. accidentally conquered most of Iberia on the first turn, which made us somewhat overly powerful. Here is the CK2 thread/succession game thread. The Renaissance and Enlightenment are handled in Europa Universalis 3.

Their most successful and most accessible title is Crusader Kings 2, which deals with the middle ages. If you're unfamiliar with Paradox generally, they make grand strategy games. We will be playing with that and one other thing. So far, there has been one expansion, A House Divided, which focuses on the American Civil War, in addition to fixing a lot of things that were not great about the game on release. During that time, we'll be researching technologies, building factories, going to war, influencing rivals, and dealing with a billion random events! We may also colonize Africa and/or southwest Asia, southeast Asia, and the Pacific. The game uses the crowning of Queen Victoria and the first moves towards WW2 as its bookends and lasts from 1836 - 1936. Both games are about the age of European imperialism and industrialization. Victoria II is, shockingly, the sequel to Victoria. CK2/EU3 are a bit too easy to blob, and I've been playing this lately, so I thought I'd give it a try. I've been thinking about doing another Paradox game though. I've done some stuff with CK/CK2 as multiplayer succession game madness, but not a solo LP. Hey all, it's been a while since I did one of these solo.